NameAPI is a web API
to handle people's names
in your software.



Enhanced NameAPI Database

We've updated our NameAPI database to better handle names that include professions. We have added...


Bosnian names: Echoes of Diversity and Heritage

Bosnia and Herzegovina stands out in Europe for its remarkable diversity, being a country where...


Larger Name Database

We are pleased to announce a new update to our database, which now features a broader range of...


Diving Deeper into Latin American Names

From the indigenous communities of the Andes to the Afro-Caribbean rhythms of the Caribbean coast,...


Swagger-UI: The New and Improved Way to Use Our REST API

We are happy to announce that we have added a new feature to our REST API: Swagger-UI, which allows...


Risk Detector

Detects various types of possibly fake data in person records. It performs checks on the person's name, email address, telephone number and address.
See also the Swagger specification.
application/json (you must set the content-type as http header)
We have integrated Swagger directly into our API.



See Context.
  "context": {},
  "inputPerson": {
    "type" : "NaturalInputPerson",
    "emailAddresses": [
        "type" : "EmailAddressImpl",
        "emailAddress": "[email protected]"
    "correspondenceLanguage": "en",
    "addresses": [
        "type" : "UseForAllAddressRelation",
        "address": {
           "type" : "StructuredAddress",
          "placeInfo": {
            "type" : "StructuredPlaceInfo",
            "locality": "Atlantis",
            "postalCode": "55555"
          "streetInfo": {
            "type" : "StructuredStreetInfo",
            "streetName": "Hill road",
            "houseNumber": "72"
    "telNumbers": [
        "type" : "SimpleTelNumber",
        "fullNumber": "999 999 999"
     "personName" : {
      "nameFields" : [ {
        "string" : "John",
        "fieldType" : "GIVENNAME"
      }, {
        "string" : "Doe",
        "fieldType" : "SURNAME"
      } ]



An overall score considering all the detected risks and all the positive attributes of the record. Range [-1,1].
  • Range [-1,0) means no risks were detected and the record looks good.
  • 0 means no risks were detected, but also no positive attributes were found, the service can't tell for sure.
  • Range (0,1] means one or multiple risks were detected.
A list of all the detected risks. Sorted by severity having the worst come first.
See RiskDetectorResult.
  "score" : 1.0,
  "risks" : [ {
    "dataItem" : "EMAIL",
    "riskScore" : 1.0,
    "reason" : "Domain of email address '[email protected]' has a risk to be a placeholder.",
    "riskType" : [ "FakeRiskType", "OTHER" ]
  }, {
    "dataItem" : "EMAIL",
    "riskScore" : 1.0,
    "reason" : "Domain of email address '[email protected]' has a risk to contain placeholder.",
    "riskType" : [ "FakeRiskType", "PLACEHOLDER" ]
  }, {
    "dataItem" : "NAME",
    "riskScore" : 0.97,
    "riskType" : [ "FakeRiskType", "PLACEHOLDER" ]
  }, {
    "dataItem" : "TEL",
    "riskScore" : 0.7,
    "reason" : "Tel number '999 999 999' contains repeating patterns.",
    "riskType" : [ "FakeRiskType", "OTHER" ]
  }, {
    "dataItem" : "ADDRESS",
    "riskScore" : 0.6,
    "reason" : "Atlantis",
    "riskType" : [ "FakeRiskType", "FICTIONAL" ]
  }, {
    "dataItem" : "TEL",
    "riskScore" : 0.5,
    "reason" : "Tel number '999 999 999' is invalid.",
    "riskType" : [ "FakeRiskType", "INVALID" ]
  }, {
    "dataItem" : "TEL",
    "riskScore" : 0.5,
    "reason" : "Tel number '999 999 999' contains risky equal digit sequences.",
    "riskType" : [ "FakeRiskType", "OTHER" ]
  }, {
    "dataItem" : "ADDRESS",
    "riskScore" : 0.4,
    "reason" : "Postal code '55555' looks like a random typing.",
    "riskType" : [ "FakeRiskType", "RANDOM_TYPING" ]
  } ]